Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Assignments for Blogging

At our meeting last night we agreed (in principle) with having each of the pilgrims and chaperones blog on a specific day during the trip. Each day will be represented and we will all post our post trip experiences. Check back throughout the trip for photos and updates. Thank you for supporting us with thoughts, prayers, money, and good wishes.
List of scheduled Bloggers:
Pre Trip Joanne
10-Jul Kevin J
11-Jul Sean L
12-Jul Diane
13-Jul Bill
14-Jul Phin
15-Jul Kevin C
16-Jul Joanna
17-Jul Patti
18-Jul Sean E
19-Jul Paul
20-Jul Charlotte
21-Jul Stephen J
22-Jul Maria
23-Jul Leslee
24-Jul Peter
Post Trip Everyone


P.H. said...

YIKES! I have a date.

steviej7831 said...

YIKES! Bill spelled my name wrong...

P.H. said...

YIKES! My name is incorrect too! Maybe I don't have a date after all.

Joanne said...

YIKES! i noticed that!

Bonnie Rodgers said...

Dear Dragaroos!

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your WYD '08 experiences!

It was great to meet so many of you at the gathering at St. JOhn's seminary. Your green t-shirts looked specatular on-air for the CatholicTV promo.

Bonnie Rodgers

Maryellen Damiano said...

Congrats on getting this far in your pilgrimmage!! Its great to read of your daily events. I thought of you all Sunday at St George when I cantored the 8am Mass. The theme was about the parable about the seeds of God's harvest. It was reflected in the psalm and one of the readings.
You are all truly our seeds of God's word!!
All of the Masses at St George pray for you and I as well!!
God Bless you all!!
Maryellen Damiano
St George Parish