Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WYD by the Numbers

For a breakdown on the WYD numbers, here are a few:
223,000 total pilgrims
110,000 overseas pilgrims from 170 nations (86 nations were identified by Kevin Cory and his booooys Sean E and Kevin J)
3.5 million meals served in 400 venues
8,000 volunteers
2,000 accredited media
4,000 priests and deacons
420 bishops and 26 cardinals
Pilgrims consumed 215,000 meat pies (Kevin Cory had 2), 360,000 lamingtons, and 100,000 litres of milk.
1.1 million communion hosts were produced for WYD Masses and 1,000 priests heard confessions

1 comment:

Joanne said...

hahahahaha meat pies....